Outdoor Recreation Program Manager

Patrick has a background in conservation biology, specializing in avian species.  He has worked with threatened and endangered bird species in Rhode Island, New Brunswick, Pennsylvania, South Korea, and the island of Kauai.  He lived and worked overseas with his wife teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) in South Korea and Türkiye for several years before finally settling down in Florida.

Patrick has been with the Outdoor Recreation Program since September 2016, where he started as a Ranger.  He took over as Program Manager in January 2023.  In addition to maintaining the highest-quality experience for over 1,200 annual military and public permit holders, Patrick is focusing on updating recreation infrastructure and bringing the program into the 21st century through app development and improvements to the online experience.


Outdoor Recreation Office Manager / Ranger

Edwin has a background in supply chain logistics and equipment distribution.  He served in the USAF for ten years, during which time he lived overseas in Germany, Belguim and Italy.  Edwin started with the Outdoor Recreation Program in January 2024 as Office Manager and Ranger.  His goal is to assist the Program Manager in ensuring a pleasant, high-quality experience for all authorized users of Avon Park AFR.




Outdoor Recreation Office Assistant / Ranger

Candice is a 6th generation Floridian from Bartow.  She enjoys being outdoors with her family and working with the public.  With her husband, Candice has four grown children and 9 grandchildren.

Candi started volunteering with the Outdoor Recreation Program in September 2023 and became a full-time employee in March 2024.  Her goal is to be of assistance to everyone who utilizes the Outdoor Recreation Program while actively supporting the sustainability of the land and conservation of the wildlife at the Avon Park Air Force Range.